Documentation du Dr FRAPPE

Ce wiki regroupe les résultats de mes expériences en informatique accumulés au cours de mes recherches sur le net.

Dans la mesure du possible, j'ai cité mes sources ; il en manque certainement… :-)

Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Upgrade Your ISP Information

If your ISP information is not detected by the router, you can upgrade ISP information by following the steps below: 1. Download the latest ISP upgrade file from the Support page at to your computer. 2. Visit, and log in with your TP-Link ID or the password you set for the router. 3. Go to Advanced > Network > ISP Upgrade. 4. Click Browse to locate and select the latest file. 5. Click Upgrade. Note: 1. If you fail to dial-up Internet access after upgrading to the latest version, please contact the technical support. 2. If your ISP settings are still not detected after upgrading, refer to Create a Connection Profile to add a new internet connection profile.

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