Documentation du Dr FRAPPE

Ce wiki regroupe les résultats de mes expériences en informatique accumulés au cours de mes recherches sur le net.

Dans la mesure du possible, j'ai cité mes sources ; il en manque certainement… :-)

Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Control LEDs

The router‘s LEDs indicate router’s activities and status. You can turn on or turn off the LEDs as you need. • To turn off LEDs: 1. Visit, and log in with the password or your TP-Link ID. 2. Go to Advanced > System Tools > LED Control page. 3. Disable LED Status. • To turn off LEDs during the specified period : 1. Visit, and log in with the password or your TP-Link ID. 2. Go to Advanced > System Tools > LED Control page. 3. Tick the Night Mode checkbox. 4. Specify a time period in the LED Off Time as needed, and the LEDs will be off during this period. Note: Once Night Mode is enabled, the LEDs will be off during the specified period everyday without affecting the router’s performance.

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