Documentation du Dr FRAPPE

Ce wiki regroupe les résultats de mes expériences en informatique accumulés au cours de mes recherches sur le net.

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logiciel:internet:ftp:vsftpd:config:man:start [2020/12/22 15:50] – [Options booléennes] adminfr:logiciel:internet:ftp:vsftpd:config:man:start [2021/02/15 15:34] – ↷ Page déplacée de logiciel:internet:ftp:vsftpd:config:man:start à fr:logiciel:internet:ftp:vsftpd:config:man:start admin
Ligne 327: Ligne 327:
 Below is a list of numeric options. A numeric option must be set to a non negative integer. Octal numbers are supported, for convenience of the umask options. To specify an octal number, use 0 as the first digit of the number. Below is a list of numeric options. A numeric option must be set to a non negative integer. Octal numbers are supported, for convenience of the umask options. To specify an octal number, use 0 as the first digit of the number.
-accept_timeout +  ? accept_timeout 
-    The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to establish connection with a PASV style data connection. +  : The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to establish connection with a PASV style data connection. 
- +  : Default: **60** 
-    Default: 60  +  ? anon_max_rate 
-anon_max_rate +  : The maximum data transfer rate permitted, in bytes per second, for anonymous clients. 
-    The maximum data transfer rate permitted, in bytes per second, for anonymous clients. +  : Default: **0 (unlimited)** 
- +  ? anon_umask 
-    Default: 0 (unlimited)  +  : The value that the umask for file creation is set to for anonymous users. NOTE! If you want to specify octal values, remember the "0" prefix otherwise the value will be treated as a base 10 integer! 
-anon_umask +  : Default: **077** 
-    The value that the umask for file creation is set to for anonymous users. NOTE! If you want to specify octal values, remember the "0" prefix otherwise the value will be treated as a base 10 integer! +  ? chown_upload_mode 
- +  : The file mode to force for chown()ed anonymous uploads. (Added in v2.0.6). 
-    Default: 077  +  : Default: **0600** 
-chown_upload_mode +  ? connect_timeout 
-    The file mode to force for chown()ed anonymous uploads. (Added in v2.0.6). +  : The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to respond to our PORT style data connection. 
- +  : Default: **60** 
-    Default: 0600  +  ? data_connection_timeout 
-connect_timeout +  : The timeout, in seconds, which is roughly the maximum time we permit data transfers to stall for with no progress. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off. 
-    The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to respond to our PORT style data connection. +  : Default: **300** 
- +  ? delay_failed_login 
-    Default: 60  +  : The number of seconds to pause prior to reporting a failed login. 
-data_connection_timeout +  : Default: **1** 
-    The timeout, in seconds, which is roughly the maximum time we permit data transfers to stall for with no progress. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off. +  ? delay_successful_login 
- +  : The number of seconds to pause prior to allowing a successful login. 
-    Default: 300  +  : Default: **0** 
-delay_failed_login +  ? file_open_mode 
-    The number of seconds to pause prior to reporting a failed login. +  : The permissions with which uploaded files are created. Umasks are applied on top of this value. You may wish to change to 0777 if you want uploaded files to be executable. 
- +  : Default: **0666** 
-    Default: 1  +  ? ftp_data_port 
-delay_successful_login +  : The port from which PORT style connections originate (as long as the poorly named connect_from_port_20 is enabled). 
-    The number of seconds to pause prior to allowing a successful login. +  : Default: **20** 
- +
-    Default: 0  +
-file_open_mode +
-    The permissions with which uploaded files are created. Umasks are applied on top of this value. You may wish to change to 0777 if you want uploaded files to be executable. +
- +
-    Default: 0666  +
-ftp_data_port +
-    The port from which PORT style connections originate (as long as the poorly named connect_from_port_20 is enabled). +
- +
-    Default: 20 +
 idle_session_timeout idle_session_timeout
     The timeout, in seconds, which is the maximum time a remote client may spend between FTP commands. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off.     The timeout, in seconds, which is the maximum time a remote client may spend between FTP commands. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off.