Documentation du Dr FRAPPE

Ce wiki regroupe les résultats de mes expériences en informatique accumulés au cours de mes recherches sur le net.

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logiciel:internet:ftp:vsftpd:config:man:start [2020/12/22 15:31] – [Options booléennes] adminlogiciel:internet:ftp:vsftpd:config:man:start [2020/12/22 16:02] – [Options numériques] admin
Ligne 253: Ligne 253:
   : You may wish to disable this if you do not need session logging, and you wish to give vsftpd more opportunity to run with less processes and / or less privilege.   : You may wish to disable this if you do not need session logging, and you wish to give vsftpd more opportunity to run with less processes and / or less privilege.
   : NOTE - utmp and wtmp support is only provided with PAM enabled builds.   : NOTE - utmp and wtmp support is only provided with PAM enabled builds.
 +  : Default: **NO**
 +  ? setproctitle_enable
 +  : \\ If enabled, vsftpd will try and show session status information in the system process listing.
 +  : In other words, the reported name of the process will change to reflect what a vsftpd session is doing (idle, downloading etc).
 +  : You probably want to leave this off for security purposes.
 +  : Default: **NO**
 +  ? ssl_enable
 +  : \\ If enabled, and vsftpd was compiled against OpenSSL, vsftpd will support secure connections via SSL.
 +  : This applies to the control connection (including login) and also data connections. You'll need a client with SSL support too.
 +  : NOTE!! Beware enabling this option. Only enable it if you need it. vsftpd can make no guarantees about the security of the OpenSSL libraries.
 +  : By enabling this option, you are declaring that you trust the security of your installed OpenSSL library.
   : Default: **NO**    : Default: **NO** 
-setproctitle_enable +  ? ssl_request_cert 
-    If enabled, vsftpd will try and show session status information in the system process listing. In other words, the reported name of the process will change to reflect what a vsftpd session is doing (idle, downloading etc). You probably want to leave this off for security purposes. +  \\ If enabled, vsftpd will request (but not necessarily require; see require_cert)acertificateonincomingSSLconnections.Normallythis should not cause any trouble at all, but IBM zOS seems to have issues. (New in v2.0.7). 
- +  : Default: **YES** 
-    DefaultNO  +  ? ssl_sslv2 
-ssl_enable +  : Only applies if ssl_enable is activated. If enabled, this option will permit SSL v2 protocol connections. TLS v1 connections are preferred. 
-    If enabled, and vsftpd was compiled against OpenSSL, vsftpd will support secure connections via SSL. This applies to the control connection (including login) and also data connections. You'll need a client with SSL support too. NOTE!! Beware enabling this option. Only enable it if you need it. vsftpd can make no guarantees about the security of the OpenSSL libraries. By enabling this option, you are declaring that you trust the security of your installed OpenSSL library. +  : Default: **NO** 
- +  ? ssl_sslv3 
-    Default: NO  +  : Only applies if ssl_enable is activated. If enabled, this option will permit SSL v3 protocol connections. TLS v1 connections are preferred. 
-ssl_request_cert +  : Default: **NO**  
-    If enabled, vsftpd will request (but not necessarily require; see require_cert)acertificateonincomingSSLconnections.Normallythis should not cause any trouble at all, but IBM zOS seems to have issues. (New in v2.0.7). +  ? ssl_tlsv1 
- +  : Only applies if ssl_enable is activated. If enabled, this option will permit TLS v1 protocol connections. TLS v1 connections are preferred. 
-    Default: YES  +  : Default: **YES** 
-ssl_sslv2 +  ? strict_ssl_read_eof 
-    Only applies if ssl_enable is activated. If enabled, this option will permit SSL v2 protocol connections. TLS v1 connections are preferred. +  : \\ If enabled, SSL data uploads are required to terminate via SSL, not an EOF on the socket. This option is required to be sure that an attacker did not terminate an upload prematurely with a faked TCP FIN. Unfortunately, it is not enabled by default because so few clients get it right. (New in v2.0.7). 
- +  : Default: **NO** 
-    Default: NO  +  ? strict_ssl_write_shutdown 
-ssl_sslv3 +  : \\ If enabled, SSL data downloads are required to terminate via SSL, not an EOF on the socket. This is off by default as I was unable to find a single FTP client that does this. It is minor. All it affects is our ability to tell whether the client confirmed full receipt of the file. Even without this option, the client is able to check the integrity of the download. (New in v2.0.7). 
-    Only applies if ssl_enable is activated. If enabled, this option will permit SSL v3 protocol connections. TLS v1 connections are preferred. +  : Default: **NO** 
- +  ? syslog_enable 
-    Default: NO  +  : \\ If enabled, then any log output which would have gone to /var/log/vsftpd.log goes to the system log instead. Logging is done under the FTPD facility. 
-ssl_tlsv1 +  : Default: **NO** 
-    Only applies if ssl_enable is activated. If enabled, this option will permit TLS v1 protocol connections. TLS v1 connections are preferred. +  ? tcp_wrappers 
- +  : \\ If enabled, and vsftpd was compiled with tcp_wrappers support, incoming connections will be fed through tcp_wrappers access control. Furthermore, there is a mechanism for per-IP based configuration. If tcp_wrappers sets the VSFTPD_LOAD_CONF environment variable, then the vsftpd session will try and load the vsftpd configuration file specified in this variable. 
-    Default: YES  +  : Default: **NO** 
-strict_ssl_read_eof +  ? text_userdb_names 
-    If enabled, SSL data uploads are required to terminate via SSL, not an EOF on the socket. This option is required to be sure that an attacker did not terminate an upload prematurely with a faked TCP FIN. Unfortunately, it is not enabled by default because so few clients get it right. (New in v2.0.7). +  : By default, numeric IDs are shown in the user and group fields of directory listings. You can get textual names by enabling this parameter. It is off by default for performance reasons. 
- +  : Default: **NO** 
-    Default: NO  +  ? tilde_user_enable 
-strict_ssl_write_shutdown +  : \\ If enabled, vsftpd will try and resolve pathnames such as ~chris/pics, i.e. a tilde followed by a username. Note that vsftpd will always resolve the pathnames ~ and ~/something (in this case the ~ resolves to the initial login directory). Note that ~user paths will only resolve if the file /etc/passwd may be found within the _current_ chroot() jail. 
-    If enabled, SSL data downloads are required to terminate via SSL, not an EOF on the socket. This is off by default as I was unable to find a single FTP client that does this. It is minor. All it affects is our ability to tell whether the client confirmed full receipt of the file. Even without this option, the client is able to check the integrity of the download. (New in v2.0.7). +  : Default: **NO** 
- +  ? use_localtime 
-    Default: NO  +  : \\ If enabled, vsftpd will display directory listings with the time in your local time zone. The default is to display GMT. The times returned by the MDTM FTP command are also affected by this option. 
-syslog_enable +  : Default: **NO** 
-    If enabled, then any log output which would have gone to /var/log/vsftpd.log goes to the system log instead. Logging is done under the FTPD facility. +  ? use_sendfile 
- +  : An internal setting used for testing the relative benefit of using the sendfile() system call on your platform. 
-    Default: NO  +  : Default: **YES** 
-tcp_wrappers +  ? userlist_deny 
-    If enabled, and vsftpd was compiled with tcp_wrappers support, incoming connections will be fed through tcp_wrappers access control. Furthermore, there is a mechanism for per-IP based configuration. If tcp_wrappers sets the VSFTPD_LOAD_CONF environment variable, then the vsftpd session will try and load the vsftpd configuration file specified in this variable. +  : This option is examined if userlist_enable is activated. If you set this setting to NO, then users will be denied login unless they are explicitly listed in the file specified by userlist_file. When login is denied, the denial is issued before the user is asked for a password. 
- +  : Default: **YES** 
-    Default: NO  +  ? userlist_enable 
-text_userdb_names +  : \\ If enabled, vsftpd will load a list of usernames, from the filename given by userlist_file. If a user tries to log in using a name in this file, they will be denied before they are asked for a password. This may be useful in preventing cleartext passwords being transmitted. See also userlist_deny. 
-    By default, numeric IDs are shown in the user and group fields of directory listings. You can get textual names by enabling this parameter. It is off by default for performance reasons. +  : Default: **NO** 
- +  ? validate_cert 
-    Default: NO  +  : \\ If set to yes, all SSL client certificates received must validate OK. Self-signed certs do not constitute OK validation. (New in v2.0.6). 
-tilde_user_enable +  : Default: **NO** 
-    If enabled, vsftpd will try and resolve pathnames such as ~chris/pics, i.e. a tilde followed by a username. Note that vsftpd will always resolve the pathnames ~ and ~/something (in this case the ~ resolves to the initial login directory). Note that ~user paths will only resolve if the file /etc/passwd may be found within the _current_ chroot() jail. +  ? virtual_use_local_privs 
- +  : \\ If enabled, virtual users will use the same privileges as local users. By default, virtual users will use the same privileges as anonymous users, which tends to be more restrictive (especially in terms of write access). 
-    Default: NO  +  : Default: **NO** 
-use_localtime +  ? write_enable 
-    If enabled, vsftpd will display directory listings with the time in your local time zone. The default is to display GMT. The times returned by the MDTM FTP command are also affected by this option. +  : This controls whether any FTP commands which change the filesystem are allowed or not. These commands are: STOR, DELE, RNFR, RNTO, MKD, RMD, APPE and SITE. 
- +  : Default: **NO** 
-    Default: NO  +  ? xferlog_enable 
-use_sendfile +  : \\ If enabled, a log file will be maintained detailling uploads and downloads. By default, this file will be placed at /var/log/vsftpd.log, but this location may be overridden using the configuration setting vsftpd_log_file. 
-    An internal setting used for testing the relative benefit of using the sendfile() system call on your platform. +  : Default: **NO (but the sample config file enables it)** 
- +  ? xferlog_std_format 
-    Default: YES  +  : \\ If enabled, the transfer log file will be written in standard xferlog format, as used by wu-ftpd. This is useful because you can reuse existing transfer statistics generators. The default format is more readable, however. The default location for this style of log file is /var/log/xferlog, but you may change it with the setting xferlog_file. 
-userlist_deny +  : Default: **NO**
-    This option is examined if userlist_enable is activated. If you set this setting to NO, then users will be denied login unless they are explicitly listed in the file specified by userlist_file. When login is denied, the denial is issued before the user is asked for a password. +
- +
-    Default: YES  +
-userlist_enable +
-    If enabled, vsftpd will load a list of usernames, from the filename given by userlist_file. If a user tries to log in using a name in this file, they will be denied before they are asked for a password. This may be useful in preventing cleartext passwords being transmitted. See also userlist_deny. +
- +
-    Default: NO  +
-validate_cert +
-    If set to yes, all SSL client certificates received must validate OK. Self-signed certs do not constitute OK validation. (New in v2.0.6). +
- +
-    Default: NO  +
-virtual_use_local_privs +
-    If enabled, virtual users will use the same privileges as local users. By default, virtual users will use the same privileges as anonymous users, which tends to be more restrictive (especially in terms of write access). +
- +
-    Default: NO  +
-write_enable +
-    This controls whether any FTP commands which change the filesystem are allowed or not. These commands are: STOR, DELE, RNFR, RNTO, MKD, RMD, APPE and SITE. +
- +
-    Default: NO  +
-xferlog_enable +
-    If enabled, a log file will be maintained detailling uploads and downloads. By default, this file will be placed at /var/log/vsftpd.log, but this location may be overridden using the configuration setting vsftpd_log_file. +
- +
-    Default: NO (but the sample config file enables it)  +
-xferlog_std_format +
-    If enabled, the transfer log file will be written in standard xferlog format, as used by wu-ftpd. This is useful because you can reuse existing transfer statistics generators. The default format is more readable, however. The default location for this style of log file is /var/log/xferlog, but you may change it with the setting xferlog_file. +
- +
-    Default: NO+
 ====== Options numériques ====== ====== Options numériques ======
Ligne 343: Ligne 327:
 Below is a list of numeric options. A numeric option must be set to a non negative integer. Octal numbers are supported, for convenience of the umask options. To specify an octal number, use 0 as the first digit of the number. Below is a list of numeric options. A numeric option must be set to a non negative integer. Octal numbers are supported, for convenience of the umask options. To specify an octal number, use 0 as the first digit of the number.
-accept_timeout +  ? accept_timeout 
-    The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to establish connection with a PASV style data connection. +  : The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to establish connection with a PASV style data connection. 
- +  : Default: **60** 
-    Default: 60  +  ? anon_max_rate 
-anon_max_rate +  : The maximum data transfer rate permitted, in bytes per second, for anonymous clients. 
-    The maximum data transfer rate permitted, in bytes per second, for anonymous clients. +  : Default: **0 (unlimited)** 
- +  ? anon_umask 
-    Default: 0 (unlimited)  +  : The value that the umask for file creation is set to for anonymous users. NOTE! If you want to specify octal values, remember the "0" prefix otherwise the value will be treated as a base 10 integer! 
-anon_umask +  : Default: **077** 
-    The value that the umask for file creation is set to for anonymous users. NOTE! If you want to specify octal values, remember the "0" prefix otherwise the value will be treated as a base 10 integer! +  ? chown_upload_mode 
- +  : The file mode to force for chown()ed anonymous uploads. (Added in v2.0.6). 
-    Default: 077  +  : Default: **0600** 
-chown_upload_mode +  ? connect_timeout 
-    The file mode to force for chown()ed anonymous uploads. (Added in v2.0.6). +  : The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to respond to our PORT style data connection. 
- +  : Default: **60** 
-    Default: 0600  +  ? data_connection_timeout 
-connect_timeout +  : The timeout, in seconds, which is roughly the maximum time we permit data transfers to stall for with no progress. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off. 
-    The timeout, in seconds, for a remote client to respond to our PORT style data connection. +  : Default: **300** 
- +  ? delay_failed_login 
-    Default: 60  +  : The number of seconds to pause prior to reporting a failed login. 
-data_connection_timeout +  : Default: **1** 
-    The timeout, in seconds, which is roughly the maximum time we permit data transfers to stall for with no progress. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off. +  ? delay_successful_login 
- +  : The number of seconds to pause prior to allowing a successful login. 
-    Default: 300  +  : Default: **0** 
-delay_failed_login +  ? file_open_mode 
-    The number of seconds to pause prior to reporting a failed login. +  : The permissions with which uploaded files are created. Umasks are applied on top of this value. You may wish to change to 0777 if you want uploaded files to be executable. 
- +  : Default: **0666** 
-    Default: 1  +  ? ftp_data_port 
-delay_successful_login +  : The port from which PORT style connections originate (as long as the poorly named connect_from_port_20 is enabled). 
-    The number of seconds to pause prior to allowing a successful login. +  : Default: **20** 
- +
-    Default: 0  +
-file_open_mode +
-    The permissions with which uploaded files are created. Umasks are applied on top of this value. You may wish to change to 0777 if you want uploaded files to be executable. +
- +
-    Default: 0666  +
-ftp_data_port +
-    The port from which PORT style connections originate (as long as the poorly named connect_from_port_20 is enabled). +
- +
-    Default: 20 +
 idle_session_timeout idle_session_timeout
     The timeout, in seconds, which is the maximum time a remote client may spend between FTP commands. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off.     The timeout, in seconds, which is the maximum time a remote client may spend between FTP commands. If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off.