? *** The list of bootoptions C:\ ; Boot drive C: ; Boot harddisk.^ A:\ ; Boot drive A: ; Boot floppy drive.^ \BootCat2.Ini ; Submenu ; Another BootCat.Ini^ \floppy.ima ; Boot with *.IMA from a floppy image (WinImage) \logical.ima ; Boot with *.IMA from an image of a logical drive (WinImage) \hdd.img ; Boot an image of a harddisk (DskRead) \acronis.wbt ; Boot an image with *.WBT (WinISO) \nt5boot.bin ; Boot the bootsector of Windows XP/2000/NT \i386\setupldr.bin ; Start a setup routine of Windows XP/2000/NT \dos4bcdw.ima ; Volkov Commander ; note1 ; \vc\vc.com \dos4bcdw.ima ; Setup Windows 9x ; note1 ; \win9x\setup.exe /isolinux.bin ; Load Linux kernel ; note2 ; /linux/kernel /isolinux.bin ; Start memdisk ; note2 ; /memdisk /test.img /cdsh/loader.bin ; CD Shell script ; note2 ; script /test.scr /bscript/loader.bin ; BootScriptor script ; note2 ; script /test.ini /diskem1x.bin ; diskem1x.bin script ; note2 ; batch test.cmd :return ; Return from a submenu ; note3 :reboot ; Reboot PC ; note3 :restart ; Switch to English ; note4 ; \BCDW\bcdw_eng.ini ; *** Appearance settings [Options] ; *** Background settings BGColors = 00, 80, 80, 80 BGSymbol = 32 TopText = BottomText = ; *** Settings of the window "Boot options" MenuPosition = 02, 05, 76, 13 MenuColors = f9, 9f, 1f, f0, 0f, fd, f9 MenuBorderStyle = 5 MenuShadowStyle = 2 MenuTitle = Boot options MenuDefault = 0 MenuTimerLabel = Remaining time: MenuTimer = 30 ; *** Settings of the window "About a boot option" HelpPosition = 02, 19, 76, 05 HelpColors = e0, 9f, 1f, e0, 0f, e0 HelpBorderStyle = 5 HelpShadowStyle = 2 HelpTabSkip = 0 HelpTitle = About this boot option ; *** Settings of the window "About this CD" AboutPosition = 02, 01, 76, 03 AboutColors = e0, 9f, 1f, e0, 0f, e0 AboutBorderStyle = 5 AboutShadowStyle = 2 AboutTabSkip = 0 AboutTitle = About this CD AboutText = ~ Emergency rescue bootdisk ~ ; *** Settings of the window "Running line" ScrollPosition = 00, 00, 80, 01 ScrollColors = 87, 87, 87, 87, 0f, 87 ScrollBorderStyle = 0 ScrollShadowStyle = 0 ScrollTabSkip = 1 ScrollMode = 0 ScrollTitle = ScrollText = ~ Text of a running line ~ ; *** Comments to the list of boot options note1 = ~ BCDW permits to start a DOS program from CD (special boot image dos4bcdw.ima is required) ~ note2 = ~ BCDW can start ISOLinux, CD Shell, BootScriptor, diskem1x.bin and transfer command options to them for performance ~ note3 = ~ BCDW uses some internal commands to operate ~ note4 = ~ The command :restart makes it possible to restart BCDW with different settings (e.g. to switch interface language) ~